P.O. Box 440837, Aurora, CO 80044 || 303 900 9094 || EMAIL CLAIM ANIMALZ
In truth there is HonorThe truth is in any industry there are a majority of people that get by. They call them the 80%. The people that drive the industry, they call them the 20%. But inside that twenty is the 1% that are very very good, extremely knowledgeable people. They are in a different league. When you know what you are doing and are better than 99% of those around you you don't need to fake until you make it. You don't try to over promise. You have no desire to soften. When you find a 1% er... never let them out of your life. You may not always like what they tell you, but their impact will be unsurpassed. At CLAIM ANIMALZ we strive to be a 1%er. Our successes are beyond any competition we know of. We Win! Be RealBy providing, “The Real Services” others can’t or are unwilling to provide. Unfortunately in every industry and profession there are the fakers and the makers.
Simply put… there are a handful of makers and lots of fakers.
Make a differenceAs individuals and companies we are either following or leading and if we are leading we are either raising people up or bringing them down. We strive to Provide such good services that CCMS removes the temptations to make illegal and immoral decisions by otherwise good people.
Get InvolvedThe foundation of our company and the services we provide are based on service to others and giving to our communities
By delivering knowledge we can, “even the playing field” between powerful insurance corporations and individuals and small businesses
Promoting Justice & Fairness
Of course when you know there is no need to cheat, bend or break laws or compromise.
We want justice for our clients and for us that is achieved when our clients get their property properly restored. Not by industry standards which is what most insurance companies hope you will use and what contractor put into their contracts to protect themselves. But by Manufacturers Specifications. You should care because one is a ticket to dishwater. Put a roof on with industry standard and the manufacturer does not need to follow through on Warranty issues. Simply put it's the difference between junk and quality. It means doing things right. If your contractor's work agreement states they will perform to industry standard you are out of luck. It's virtually meaningless. Your policy, if it's like ours, states that the damage should be repaired to pre-storm conditions... that means at least as good as it was. Industry standard most often means less not as good. This way of doing business can mean that we disagree with adjusters and insurance professionals. We often do. It doesn't mean they owe you less and they never do. So with CCMS... YOU WIN! It is not necessary to cheat or break laws to succeed and to bring value to our customers. We don’t offer to absorb deductibles and if a contractor says everyone does it and it’s no big deal... it's only true until you get caught. Why risk your family, your property and time with them to break a law over a deductible?
While we do pay generously individuals and companies that referral us we also have a nonprofit referral program we are very proud of. Whether a church, temple, mosque or a food bank, when you choose our service without being referred by another you can choose your favorite nonprofit and we will donate a portion of the profit we make on your project to the organization of your choice.